
我们的团队共同努力,为所有与运动相关的伤害提供全面的护理. As experts in sports medicine, 我们使用最新的治疗方法来帮助您恢复您喜欢的运动和活动.

Medical taping for leg correction after sport injury

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for sports medicine?


At the UCLA 运动医学 Center, our outstanding team includes orthopaedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine physicians and physical therapists. 我们专注于诊断、治疗和预防各种类型的运动损伤.

In our state-of-the-art facility, 我们使用先进的成像技术来准确诊断损伤和病情,这样我们就可以提供有效的治疗. When you choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for sports medicine, you’ll benefit from:

综合治疗: Our expertise extends beyond diagnosing and treating athletic injuries. We focus on injury prevention, 成功的康复和生活方式的改变可以帮助你感觉最好,并在最高水平上表现. 我们的初级保健运动医学医生也提供营养和生活方式指导. 他们帮助你了解你的饮食是如何增强你的力量、耐力和运动表现的.

运动员经验: 我们的专家与专业、大学和高中水平的运动员合作. 我们了解运动相关损伤的挑战,以及运动员特有的担忧. Our providers talk to you about your goals for returning to your sport. 然后他们会制定一个定制的治疗计划,帮助你达到甚至超越你的目标.

Expertise in reconstructive surgery: Our surgeons restore function, 使用最新的微创关节镜手术减轻疼痛并增加活动能力. 我们执行的技术,需要尽可能少的恢复时间,所以你可以回到游戏中快速和安全.

Expertise in point-of-care ultrasound procedures:  Our primary care sports medicine physicians restore function, 使用现代技术,包括超声引导注射和使用骨科,减轻疼痛和增加活动能力. Injectable treatments include corticosteroids, platelet rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (HA), also known as visco-supplementation. We also offer treatments to increase blood flow to injured areas, which include percutaneous needle tenotomy and barbotage procedures.

Nationally recognized care: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校运动医学中心是全国排名第一的骨科项目之一. 我们的许多医生在运动医学方面的卓越表现获得了国家的认可. You’ll have a team of renowned experts in orthopaedic surgery, sports medicine and physical therapy dedicated to helping you recover.


作为运动医学的领导者,我们理解对运动员进行全面护理的重要性. 为了从运动损伤中完全恢复,并且比以前更强壮,你需要一个专家团队,专注于你的各个方面的护理. 这就是为什么我们的服务包括诊断、治疗、康复和伤害预防. 我们提供:

准确的诊断: Effective treatments begin with a precise diagnosis. We use the latest imaging techniques that allow us to see muscles, ligaments and tendons in greater detail. 这项技术帮助我们准确地诊断病情,并提供治疗,帮助你无痛地移动.

非手术治疗: Many sports-related injuries don’t require surgery. Our specialists have experience with all types of nonsurgical treatments, 包括药物治疗, ultrasound-guided therapies and injections.

Minimally invasive surgery: If you need surgery, you’re in good hands. 我们的骨科医生开创了关节镜技术,让您以最短的恢复时间和比传统手术更少的痛苦回到比赛中.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation: 我们的运动医学理疗师经过专门培训,可以治疗运动员和活跃人士. We work with you to return to the activities you enjoy, maximize your recovery and prevent future injuries.

伤害预防: 我们经验丰富的初级保健运动医学医师和物理治疗师是运动调节和伤害预防方面的专家. 我们会评估你的身体是如何运动的,并推荐一些减轻关节压力的方法. We help you make changes to your training routine, focusing on ways to improve your balance, 力量和敏捷性.


我们的骨科团队有治疗各种运动损伤的经验. 这些情况可能是由急性或慢性损伤、过度使用、事故或创伤造成的. 我们已经成功地使用手术和非手术技术治疗了最复杂和严重的损伤. 我们的专长包括:


Several injuries can affect how the ball-and-socket shoulder joint works, 引起疼痛, stiffness and decreased mobility. 我们专注于缓解疼痛和恢复功能的人与各种类型的肩伤. Our shoulder experts treat:

  • 当锁骨与肩胛骨分离时,肩关节(A-C关节)分离
  • 肩袖损伤,影响肩关节的肌肉和肌腱
  • 肩关节的炎症、疼痛和僵硬导致的肩关节冻僵
  • Dislocation, when the upper arm bone comes out of the socket
  • Impingement syndrome (swimmer’s shoulder), 当肩袖肌腱因炎症而被挤压时会发生什么
  • SLAP lesions and labral tears, which are injuries to the labrum, a ring of cartilage in the shoulder joint socket


These injuries usually result from overuse. Some of the most common 肘 injuries we treat include:

  • Biceps tendon and triceps tendon tears
  • 网球肘
  • 高尔夫球肘
  • 小联盟球员的胳膊肘
  • Ligament or cartilage injuries


运动员,如跑步者, ballet dancers and gymnasts are at an increased risk of injuries to the hip. Several hip conditions can cause pain and limited mobility. We treat all hip injuries, 包括:

  • Hip labral tears (injuries to the cartilage in the hip joint)
  • Hamstring avulsion injuries
  • Hip pointer, a bruise on the hipbone
  • 肌腱炎


Many athletes experience knee pain at some point, 要么是因为过度使用, sudden stops or changing direction, a fall or a collision during a contact sport. 我们的专家专注于各种类型的膝关节损伤的创新治疗. We also help people who previously had knee surgery. Some of the most common knee injuries and conditions we treat are:

  • Patella and quadriceps tendon tears
  • 韧带撕裂, including the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL tear), 内侧副韧带(MCL撕裂)和后十字韧带(PCL撕裂)
  • Cartilage injuries, including meniscus tears and loose bodies
  • 膝关节脱臼,当大腿骨与膝关节的胫骨分离时发生
  • Kneecap (patella) dislocations and instability in the kneecap
  • 髌肌腱炎


治疗足部和踝关节的复杂结构需要专门的专业知识. 我们有丰富的经验,帮助运动员和活跃的人有各种各样的条件,影响小腿和脚, 包括:

  • 足部和踝关节骨折、扭伤、肌肉拉伤和先前受伤造成的不稳定
  • 脚踝撞击
  • 跟腱断裂
  • Plantar fasciitis, inflammation of tissues that connect the toes to the heel
  • 肌腱炎

Sports medicine treatments we offer

At the UCLA 运动医学 Center, we deliver customized treatment plans with your health, lifestyle and goals in mind. Our experts focus on easing pain, 恢复流动性, decreasing recovery time and preventing future injury. 我们提供:

专家理疗: Athletes demand a lot from their bodies. 我们的物理治疗师帮助运动员和活跃的人最大限度地恢复, come back stronger and prevent future injuries. They use a combination of hands-on techniques, plus stretching and strengthening exercises to help you heal without surgery.

非手术治疗: 我们为运动损伤提供广泛的非手术和微创治疗. 你的医生可能会建议注射皮质类固醇或透明质酸(HA)来缓解疼痛,或注射富血小板血浆(PRP)来加速愈合. We also offer ultrasound treatments to increase blood flow to injured areas, which include percutaneous needle tenotomy and barbotage procedures.

Minimally invasive surgery: Our orthopaedic surgeons specialize in arthroscopic techniques. Arthroscopy uses small incisions, a tiny camera and specialized instruments to repair damage inside joints. 微创手术比传统(开放)手术疼痛更少,恢复时间更短. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we pioneered arthroscopic techniques to treat many injuries in the shoulder, 肘, 臀部, 膝盖, 脚踝和脚.


Our team includes experienced orthopaedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine physicians and physical therapists. 我们合作为您带来有效的治疗,同时与您一起工作,以防止再次受伤.

我们的专家团队在韦斯特伍德和圣莫尼卡办事处提供医疗服务.  We are the medical care providers for UCLA Athletics, 洛杉矶道奇队, 洛杉矶湖人队, 南湾湖人队, Los Angeles Sparks and multiple local high schools.  In addition, we see and treat athletes of all ages and skill levels.


我们的团队在这里帮助你从伤病中恢复,防止未来的问题. 呼叫 310-319-1234 to reach a sports medicine expert.


我们的团队在这里帮助你从伤病中恢复,防止未来的问题. 呼叫 310-319-1234 to reach a sports medicine expert.