


The 护理扩展计划 offers a unique opportunity for volunteers to gain clinical experience and interact with patients, providing a firsthand understanding of the role of healthcare providers. 作为一个关爱延伸者, you will have the chance to volunteer in various departments throughout the medical centers, assisting medical staff and gaining an insider's understanding of hospital operations.

我们的节目很受尊重, and 保健扩展器s are viewed as professional members of the patient care team. 通过这个项目, you will gain invaluable "in-the-trenches" experience in a real hospital setting, which will help you determine your specific course for future studies in healthcare.

Many of our volunteers have found that working as a 保健扩展器 has opened their eyes to the vast range of opportunities available in medical careers. 我们的一位护理专员, 坎德拉Beckin, 股票, “《皇冠hga025》对我来说是一次非常震撼的经历. It doesn't matter how many biology or physiology classes you take; they just can't prepare you for the experiences I've had since joining this program. The commitment I made to this program is the smartest decision I've made in my college career."

Join our program today and gain the clinical experience you need to jumpstart your career in healthcare!


  • 国家认可的卓越: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心一直在全国舞台上闪耀, celebrated as the #1 hospital in both California and Los Angeles. Its esteemed presence on the national honor roll for 34 consecutive years speaks volumes about its commitment to healthcare.
  • 临床深度浸入: The 护理扩展计划 offers a firsthand dive into the clinical world. From direct patient interactions to rotations across diverse departments, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of healthcare roles and operations.
  • 全面专业成长: 保健扩展器s are integral members of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 family. 超出临床暴露, 该计划培养必要的软技能和技术技能, 为你在医疗保健行业的前途做好准备.
  • 校友成功故事: Testimonials from alumni, like 坎德拉Beckin, highlight the transformative impact of the program. 这样的经历往往成为决定性的时刻, 揭示了医疗领域的巨大机遇.
  • 卓越的遗产: 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心做志愿者意味着成为遗产的一部分. The institution's rich history of innovation and achievement ensures you're contributing to and learning from a tradition of unparalleled healthcare excellence.
  • 入学时必须年满18岁.
  • 目前在读大学或大学毕业生.
  • United States Citizen, United States Permanent Resident (Green Card), DACA Student, or International: F-1 Visa (current full-time UCLA undergraduate students only)
  • 这是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康志愿者项目的一部分, must complete a minimum of 50 hours prior to applying to this program.
  • 理想的学前保健学生, 考虑转行的专业人士, 或者那些热衷于改善病人体验的人.
  • 每周轮班4小时,坚持一年.
  • Collaborate with department coordinators to tailor a schedule suiting your availability.
  • All 保健扩展器s undergo an additional greeters rotation during their initial phase, 总共每周6小时.
  1. Attend a mandatory orientation (held in January, April, July, and October) by reservation.
  2. 如果申请被接受,请参加面试.
  3. Upon interview acceptance, attend a comprehensive training day.
  4. Ensure you are CPR certified by the American Heart Association, 已完成结核病筛查, and can provide proof of MMR and varicella vaccinations or titers by determined deadline.



The Summer 2024 admissions cycle sign ups will go live on Tuesday, June 4 at noon. Orientation will be held via Zoom and interviews will be held in person. Please be sure to download the Zoom app onto your desktop or laptop. 有关每个活动的更多信息,请参见下文. 


There will be two (2) orientation sessions available for sign-up. 定向将通过Zoom远程举行.

A部分:6月25日,星期二,下午4:30 - 5:30 


只登记 一个 Zoom session and include an email address that you check regularly. This email address will be used to send the application link and other important notices. Please note that space is limited and on a first come first serve basis. 不会有候补名单. 


您将收到注册确认函. Please sign in to Zoom using the link provided in your confirmation email on time via desktop or laptop. 不允许多个设备登录. Be sure to be in a location that has strong internet connectivity. 迟到者将不被允许进入Zoom. 我们将用第一个小时介绍这个项目. The application link will be emailed to only orientation attendees after the last orientation session and will be due no later than Thursday, 4月4日中午12点. Any applications submitted past the deadline will not be graded. 


  • 主动申请流程: We strongly recommend starting your application immediately upon receipt of the link. Our office frequently encounters a surge of last-minute queries and technical issues close to the deadline. 早期启动为故障排除提供了充足的时间.
  • 支持时间: 我们的团队不是24小时待命. 预留足够的时间让我们回复您的查询. For application issues, capture a screenshot and submit it via the provided survey link. 避免在项目中给多人发邮件, as this impedes our ability to effectively track and resolve issues.
  • 后期故障处理请求: Issues reported after 10 AM on the due date will result in your application being excluded. 这项政策确保我们的团队有足够的时间提供帮助.
  • 申请独创性指导: We encourage applicants to approach each application cycle with fresh perspectives. While we recognize some candidates may have applied in previous cycles, it's important to reflect current ambitions and insights in your responses. Reusing answers from past applications might not fully capture your evolving perspectives or commitment to the program. We value applicants who demonstrate thoughtful engagement and a sincere interest in joining our community.

Your adherence to these guidelines is crucial for a fair and orderly application process. 谢谢你的合作.

应用程序问题? 皇冠hga025!




申请的最后期限2024年6月27日12:00 PM 
接受采访2024年6月28日5:00 PM
项目验收2024年7月12日5:00 PM
间隙的最后期限2024年8月7日11:59 PM
训练日2024年8月11日8:00 AM










(424) 259-8165